Welcome to the Criffs of Insanity! She's crass, she's loud, she's obnoxious....but she's got a neat & tidy linen closet. These are the rantings of Keebler Jen...careful...watch out for hot lava.
who am i? i'm a mom (got 5), a girlfriend (got 1), an ex-wife (got 1), a sister (got 2), a hell of a friend (got a few) & a should-have-been southern belle (will have a plantation one day...). i'm what you would call compulsive about my linen closet & i have an unnatural attachment to my cat fred.
i don't know my RSS feed (i still haven't a clue WTF it is...) but dale will get it & update this post in a little bit. please change all your links for me? thanks a million! :)
(yes....i stole my boyfriend's template...since he hasn't made me one. but tweaked it a little for me....)
"Arthur glanced around him once more, and then down at himself, at the sweaty disheveled clothes he had been lying in the mud in on Thursday morning. 'I seem to be having tremendous difficulty with my lifestyle,' he muttered to himself."
–Douglas Adams Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Thursday "it's all about" 13 of Claudia. (my 2nd eldest daughter)
1. was born on december 20, 1995...making her a cusp baby sagittarius/capricorn. 2. that being said, she's 10.....going on 13. (my worst fears are coming true) 3. still keeps her blankie that she came home from the hospital with. (its the binkie) 4. is very much a girly-girl....pink, barbies, baby-dolls...the like. (much to my chagrin) 5. love to dance & sing....although she's totally uncoordinated & can't do either well. (i would never tell her that though...) 6. is getting into her own music....gwen, hillary & lindsay. (good lord....the TEEN years are coming!!) 7. loves playing soccer & being on the school CC team....but HATES to run. (i know...my daughter...the conundrum..) 8. is my twin. in physical beauty, vocal talents & deep within our souls. wanna know who i was as a kid...check out claudia! :) 9. thinks that i'm the funniest person on the planet. (she doesn't get out much...i know...) 10. for being a slobby person....is one of the cleanest people i know. (she's addicted to taking showers...lol!) 11. thinks of herself as "Jr. Mom" and plays her part to a "T". (and the others do NOT appreciate the devotion she puts into her role...lol!) 12. talks in her sleep.....A LOT. also drools. (god, she's going to kill me...lol! i think she gets it from her father's side...) 13. is also a lovely disco dancer.....i think with her sister's assistance! :).
Links to other Thursday Thirteens!(leave your link in comments, I'll add you here!)
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (March 7) - Humphrey Bogart said it to Ingrid Bergman in "Casablanca" and now Dr. Travis Stork can say it to Sarah Stone: "We'll always have Paris."
Stork, an emergency room physician, chose Stone, an elementary school teacher, in the finale of ABC's "The Bachelor: Paris" last week. The couple told The Tennessean in a joint interview Monday they are no longer a couple. Stork, 33, said the rules that prohibited them from dating or being together in public between the end of the show's taping in November and the Feb. 27 finale were hard on their relationship.
The France-set "Bachelor" deployed 25 women to vie for Stork's affections during a series of glamorous dates. The season began in January.
"You're in Paris and you're part of this incredible experience, this fantasy world, and then suddenly you come back to Nashville, and living in the same city I think we thought was going to be a great thing," he said. "But instead, you're forced to pretend you don't know someone, for essentially the last four months.
"The reality is that we were in this fantasy world. And now that we're back in Nashville, over time when you're not allowed to see someone, you grow apart." Stone, 26, said, "I definitely think it would've worked out differently" if she and Stork had met and dated under different circumstances.
"We wouldn't have had all the baggage that comes from being on this show. It would just be the two of us being able to hang out and get to know each other in a normal situation," she said. Both said they remain single and unattached and that they had no regrets about doing the show. "Through this time, we realized that it was a great experience in Paris and that we're so lucky to have met one another in Paris, and we'll never forget that," Stone said. "And we both agree and know that we'll be friends forever."
Asked if they might reconnect romantically after publicity has died down, both just laughed.
03/07/06 18:14 EST Copyright 2006 The Associated Press. The information contained in the AP news report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or otherwise distributed without the prior written authority of The Associated Press.
i swear, i love her to pieces. but one day i'm going to beat the ever lovin' shit out of her....again.
my eldest...she's a sweetheart. she really is. but she's also a master manipulator. (i think she gets that from her mother.....UGH) she knows how to work me, which buttons to push & how to twist that knife. right about now....i want to pummel her. its a good thing she's at the mall.
she doesn't go to college. she only works PT at target. she spends more than she makes. she loves to incite arguments between me & her father. she plays us against each other.
right now she's at the mall. nordstroms to be exact (i don't know what her f*ing obsession with that store is...i swear to god). she's been gone since 5. spending her paycheck she just got the other day.....roughly $160 gone. (must be nice.) she gets a call from her father, who tells her to be home by 10 (but which she says he yelled at her) and so she calls ME to tell ME to tell HIM to let HER come home when SHE is ready.
i told her NO. (which means she's pissed off at me now...) i am TIRED of being her go-between to dad. i am TIRED of having her ask me to treat her like an adult, yet she acts like a child constantly. she needs to call her own dad & tell him that her friend drove her & she will be home as quickly as she can get there.
i can't blame her completely. its her family....well, her mother's family. they learn this crap & teach it to the younger generations. manipulation, greed, mistrust, conceit, contempt & denial. these are their moral fibers. that's all they know. they are horrid people. really. just thinking about them, gets my stomach all upset.
this is why i need to get her out of here. get her away from all these people. she needs some stability. morals, values, decency. somewhere that i can reinstall all the things that i taught her & that she seemed to have lost in the year she lived with her grandmother.
i'm just so upset right now. i can't even see straight. ugh....what does it take to make someone realize that you love them & all you want to do is help them be better? be the best that they can possibly be? to achieve their ultimate self??
we're all abuzz out here in tinsel-town. probably the one night that hollywood shines....and we all don't look like complete loonies out west.
that being said....
what do you think? am i oscar material? do you think i could garner one of the little gold men?
best actress....that'd be my category. i'm acting all the time....like i care, like i'm sorry, like i'm sad....and i've got that whole acting 'mad' schtick down to a "T". and to boot? i can do it in a TON of different accents! (i'm really talented...or so i've been told by friends, loved ones & drama teachers....lol!)
i'll get up there & be just like babs & utter my own.... "hello, gorgeous!".
"oh my goodness! i can't believe this. well, i can. since i'm so GD good at what i do. but who am i to tell you all that? you VOTED for me! (insert fake laugh track here) this is really an honor for me. really. i've been looking for one of these for years. you can never find one going for a decent price on eBay. jesus, its much heavier than i thought it'd be! wild!"
"i guess i should start off by thanking the academy. i don't know why.... but it seems that everyone thanks them first, so why fudge with tradition? but thanks, so much, for this great little guy. who will become my new momma's boy shortly. sorry jake."
"speaking of jake.....i'd like to thank my kids. liz, gabe, lea, jake.....you guys keep me heavily stocked in fart jokes & smelly clothes. you're the ones who picked up where nana left off. i'd have never reached this plateau of insanity, if it weren't for you 4. so, thanks. no really....this is not sarcasm. well, ok....its a little sarcasm."
"mom....dad. thanks. for doing.....whatever it was that you did, to make me such a funny, clever, intelligent, sweet, fun-loving, passionate, wild, incredibly gorgeous....oh yeah...and humble person that i am today. i'd also like to thank you both for cracking my psyche into a million little pieces, that turned me into this raving lunatic you see before you today. thanks. you guys are GREAT!"
"god. i don't know what you did, but thanks anywho. i'm just saying....remember this. to cancel out all the bad shit i've done lately, you know? i mean....come on! i'll share oscar with you.....if you ask.....nicely."
"bubba & kat. thanks for making me feel SO much worse about myself than i already do. its so wonderful to have 2 younger siblings....who are so much taller....and so much thinner....than i am. no....really....you two helped emphasize the 'raving' part. you're so great. and no, oscar can't come over for a sleep-over. sorry."
"fred, my beloved fred. king of the cats. my knight in fuzzy white armour. you've been my constant companion, friend, alarm clock & sleeping buddy for years now. and really, you're the only one who hasn't done anything to piss me off or contribute to my insanity. so thanks for that. at least there's some hope for me, huh?"
"and i'm not going to pull a 'hilary swank' & forget my man. so, dc. this is for you babe! WE DID IT!! well....i did it. but you can say you helped! that's gotta be something, right? who's not going to publish the boyfriend of an oscar winner now, hmmmm?? we'll get 'em babe! you'll see!!"
"well....i guess that's everyone. thanks again so much. this is truly a great honor. and now, in the immortal words of my beloved brother, bubba..... 'GET BENT, AMERICA!' night all!"
that's how it would go.... but alas...i'm not nominated this year... (i've SO got to talk to my people.....::UGH::). so, i'll sit at home like the rest of america. watching my gold man go to someone else.
it's so sad. he would have made a great spare TP holder....
1. was born on August 22, 1997....which makes him a leo. (grrrrrrr....baby!) 2. had a head so large (i'm not being mean....it's true!) that he couldn't sit up on his own until he was almost 5 months old. it was (ok, i'll be honest....it still is) a big old noggin. 3. suffers from Aspergers Syndrome. which is a mild form of autism. which loosely translates into he's smart as a whip, but appears standoffish about it. 4. even though he's only 8, he's already had 24 stitches in his lifetime. (he's a really klutzy kid.) 5. is a MASTER at the gamecube. and i do mean master. I even go to him for game help. (yes, he's addicted.....::SIGH::) 6. is quite an accomplished artist for 8. he can always be found making mom a picture of dinosaurs, dragons or spiderman. (yeah...i know....weird selection....) 7. is currently on a 5th grade reading level. and the kicker?? he doesn't read all that much. (ok, so, i brag about my kids accomplishments...) 8. has a girlfriend. although i'm not really sure HOW at this point. (this kid has a hard time asking me to go outside....much less asking a girl to be his.....weird) 9. has been a spiderman addict since, i think, conception. (he totally reminds me of my brother) 10. has a weird attachment to small stuffed animals. he loves them. sometimes, i'll admit, its creepy. (ok....really creepy) 11. is an "irish twin" of his older sister, claudia (who will be on the next edition of TT). they are 18 months apart. 12. desperately wants a puppy....but is going to have to wait until we move. (and maybe until fifi kicks the bucket :) ) 13. was my best surprise baby. they said he was a girl....for every ultrasound. his name was supposed to be Robin Michelle. (he still giggles about this factoid.)
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
yes, folks....its ash Wednesday. the lenten season is upon us. translation = today i starve...along with good friday, for the next 40 days i get to feel like crap about shit i've done, fish will be a mainstay in my diet & and its easter egg dying season!
you've got to admit....catholics got some weird traditions. now, i won't knock my religion. hell no. my mom raised me better than that. but when lent season comes along....i know how catholic mothers can get so good at that catholic guilt thing.
so, i've been wondering. what am i guilty about this lent? and what am i prepared to give up?
today is my penance day. i need to admit to something horrible & feel like shit for it....all day. and then carry that guilt for 40 days. 40 looooooooong days. and to add insult to injury, you've also got to give up something. i don't know what i'm going to lose this year. i've been racking my brain for weeks now. but no circumventing the admission thing....
i'm guilty for a lot of shit. a lot. i'll be the first to admit....i'm no angel. i'm in no way near perfect. (make note of this....for while i'm admitting it now...i'm not likely to during a non-lent season...) but i've got to atone for something that's really bad. or something that has caused me to overly dwell on or fester about. hmmmmmmmm.......
ok, i think i've got it. more about this one later on....
now what do i want to give up? i don't have any vices anymore. well, ones that aren't illegal or bad for you. ok....totally bad for you. i cuss up a storm....but i don't think i'll be giving this one up. i like it too fucking much. (oooh...my bad....i don't ordinarily cuss on here, do i?) but i'm kinda stuck. i could give up fatty foods, sweets, soda, manicures, pedicures, eating out, frivolous shopping, yelling at the kids (um....no....that one stays...), there is always my gaming, my obsession with shoes, my weekly VS sprees?
well, what are some suggestions from the peanut gallery? anyone, anyone?