Welcome to the Criffs of Insanity! She's crass, she's loud, she's obnoxious....but she's got a neat & tidy linen closet. These are the rantings of Keebler Jen...careful...watch out for hot lava.
who am i? i'm a mom (got 5), a girlfriend (got 1), an ex-wife (got 1), a sister (got 2), a hell of a friend (got a few) & a should-have-been southern belle (will have a plantation one day...). i'm what you would call compulsive about my linen closet & i have an unnatural attachment to my cat fred.
i put it off forever. i knew it was going to be a PITA to do. and let me tell you.....IT IS!!
$45.00 & 1 paper to get married v. $350.00 & 80 papers to get divorced.
i've managed to complete step one - initiating the proceedings (total paperwork @ 22) and file for a fee waiver (since i don't work). the judge was nice. he didn't even make me talk in front of him. he was in the middle of hearing a prelim on a, what i could tell, personal injury disclosure proceedings. he nodded to the bailiff who took my paperwork & the judge then scribbled something to his clerk who then stamped my stuff & handed it to said bailiff who in turn, made a lovely hand off to me.
(WHEW!! football plays are easier to remember than all this. lol!!)
went downstairs to the filing clerks window. hand off all of my pristine paperwork, she separates everything & then stamps the ever loving shit out of it. nice. all that hard work to keep it clean. UGH!
then i ask her ever so politely, "so....this is it. right? i mean 6 months from now i can go back to being ms. jennifer taylor?"
a broad smile creeps across her hardened face & she says, "oh no. you're just at the beginning! there's PLENTY more to be done."
i swear, i saw the lights flicker & heard evil pipe organ music playing.
the evil filing mistress, now looking even more sinister & foreboding tells me, "you need to head up to the 2nd floor. visit the family law room. they'll tell you what to do from there." and points out the door to the elevators....where i quite possibly saw the top licks of fire.
by this time i am panicking. why does it have to be this hard?? off i trudge to the 2nd floor....and just as luck would have it, we entered the elevator that they're preparing to work on. its all padded inside. and i wonder? what in bloody hell do they think i'm going to do in there? MOSH??
anywho....i digress.
get to the 2nd floor....family law room. (sounds like something you'd find in a really nice expensive house, KWIM?? "....and this is our newly remodeled Family Law Room...") this man & his bimbette FLY past me from another elevator, just so they could get in the line in front of me. nice, huh?? i can't wait to get back somewhere that people actually have MANNERS.
so there i am. standing in the line from hell. or to hell. or on a side trip to hell. who knows. i know that eventually i'm going to hell. that's for sure. and then i realize that its almost 10:30. i have to leave. time for lea to go to school.
i grab my girls & practically sprint from the building. you know, once outside, i didn't feel so bad. that building has bad karma. r e a l l y bad karma.
and now i get to do this all over again.....tomorrow. only now i have a case number.....and the clock has officially begun to tick! :)
btw.....and on a really strange twist of fate? my case number is DC's birthday. lol!!
so....we had a party to attend in the quad of our complex today (HAPPY 13th BIRTHDAY ADAM!!) when the mom from the socially deviant, morally corrupt household approaches me....
"I've heard that they call your curly headed one PSYCHO ?", she inquisitively asks.
with stern indignation i reply, "yep."
"And that's alright with you?", puzzled.
"oh yeah. we understand that psycho means crazy.", i retort back.
"And you're ok with that?", asked with a deer in the head lights curiosity look.
"why not? she's comfortable enough to know that she's a little eccentric....if you will.", i proudly state.
"psycho. well, i guess to each his own", she plainly states.
i, now with the confused deer in the headlights look about me, am wondering, "this from the woman who allows her children to play outside at 12PM at night, disciplines her child (when she has spilt her beer on the carpet) with a 3 hour outside punishment & who feeds her children powdered doughnuts & dry ramen noodles from the packet for meals. do my spidey senses betray me? or has this woman just called me on the carpet for allowing other kids to call her 'Psycho;?"
with this, she turns & promptly tells her kids to make sure that they eat enough hot dogs from the party....as she won't be cooking tonight.
no dry ramen? like tonight any more special than the others? wow! and i thought i was the bad parent? psycho my ass.
i'm filling out my divorce paperwork. i want this shit over with already. we've been "technically" separated now since June 20, 2004. (to be more accurate....its been since like....oh....1999, when we really ceased to be lovers, partners & more......shall we say, roommates.....co-habitants, if you will....) its high time.
i've put it off....not because i didn't want the damn thing. but because its so god damned depressing. and its fucking outrageous of a fee. $350.00. it's funny....it was only $45.00 to get hitched in the first place. and only 1 piece of paperwork. now i'm up to my earlobes in FL-110's & 982's.
it just really drains you. looking at your whole life you amassed with this person....being brought down to just a few scraps of paper........just a blowin' in the wind.....
and you really have to admit failure. not 100%....but enough to make you feel like complete & total shit. that you couldn't make something work. that you couldn't either make that person see what needed to be done or that you couldn't ultimately change who you were.
maybe we were never meant to be together. maybe we weren't the perfect match. i know i got something wonderful out of the whole experience. 4 amazingly talented, adorable, funny, quirky kids.
jake, claudie, lea & jake halloween '05
it saddens me to see them trivialized on a piece of paper. but its ok. i'll make it through. they'll make it through. we'll all come out better in the end.
i breathe a sigh of relief and know tomorrow is going to be a better day.....
raving lunatic rant about to commence. leave now if you suffer from weak constitutions or generally hate reading other people's rants. you have been warned.
yesterday. where do i begin? i think that everyone here knows that i share custody with the kids dad. right now, since we all live in the same city, its on an every other week basis. kids come to me on friday afterschool & return to their dad's house the following friday. and so on & so forth.
yesterday was thursday. for all who don't know. thursday thirteen to be exact. so, most of us in the blogosphere can keep our days straight. those posts are quite helpful!
anywho....digressing again. sorry. my mind has a tendency to do that....must be all the kids
so all he had was one more day. uno. un. ein. ένας. одно. one.
and he couldn't even do that.
once all the kids had managed to get themselves off to school (aided by his mother, of course) he began to drink. and drink. and drink. and drink. and who knows what else. i do know that his buddies were there. so i'm pretty confident that there was other....shall we say....non-legal substances.....making the rounds there. they were smoking, so that's my dead give away.
you know....he's almost 40. when will some people grow up? i get tired of having to make excuses for him all the time. i get tired of having to explain his actions to his 18 year old. i get tired of having to cover his ass all the time. i'm tired of having to pick him up, clean him off, motivate his ass & get him to realize that he's got a pretty great life....even if it is devoid of spousal support & relief (you know what i mean....he bugs me about this all the time...). i get tired of making him feel better about himself.
i know. i know. you're saying.....WTF is the matter with you woman? why do you do it?
simple. i was raised that way. i take care of everyone & everything. it was my job as the eldest. i held both my parents hands through their divorce. took care of my bubba & kat when they were little, while my mother was going to school & working. any fighting that came along....jen took care of. bubba won't listen....jen will get him to. kat's been misbehaving.....jen will fix that. your father is being an asshole.....jen will talk to him.
its always been that way. and here i am. while still fixing their messes back there, having to figure out how to manage my own here.
but really....back to mack truck man. i don't know what to do. i am at my wits end.
this is one of the main reasons for our relocation back to north carolina. to be near more stable family. to get the kids out of this element. to protect them from a world of hurt that their father can impose upon them.
yeah, sure. kids are resilient. kids can bounce back.
but i'm tired of my kids having to deflect the harm from their male parental unit. its not fair. its not right.
and the man who should have been their father, just has to sit back, watch this all happen & keep his mouth closed.
i'm just so tired folks. he's been at this stupid game since about the 4th year of our marriage. i should have left him then. but being the pollyanna that i am.....i kept looking for the good in him.
1. smelly undies from my kids. good lord children....use the potty now & then! the stench is going to knock out your mom one of these days! and i don't need another concussion. 2. drive-thru attendants who could care less about the fact my son needs, nay REQUIRES ketchup. 3. people who don't know how to drive in the rain. i'm from miami....so i know how to drive through a hurricane if the need arose. i can't understand....its 4 drops of water! DRIVE ALREADY! 4. this constant, nagging pain in my back that makes me feel like a cripple most days. i swear, i'm not 33....i'm 83. 5. my horriffic gag reflex. and i'm sure my boyfriend would too..... 6. having to do at least a load of laundry a day. i, alone, keep the maytag company rolling.... 7. my own personal mount vesuvius. guys may like them, but i have yet to find a woman who thinks "DD" is fun to tote about all day long. its like a toddler that never gets off.... 8. the last remnants of the concussion i suffered at my own hand, in '04. i get a daily headache in that spot. 9. my step-daughters fucktard of a family from her mother's side. those people really need to be pitched into the volcano. not only for their inept welfare of my kid, but just because they all suck. A LOT. and no, it has nothing to do with the ex & their life together. want to know more....ask me. 10. speaking of volcanic sacrifices....i need to also drop my morally corrupt & socially deviant neighbors into it as well. want to know more.....ask me. 11. more times that not, my ex-husband. yes, he's a nice guy. and yeah, we get along pretty well. but somedays, i just wish he'd get run over by a mack truck. 12. most days, my mother. while i love her to death, she's a bitter pill that is very difficult to swallow. 13. my ever shrinking bank account. yeah, i know this is one for most people. but when you're trying to save money for a move that you have to make for the welfare of your children....and you absolutely love to shop....its kinda difficult. anyone wanna pitch in to the moving fund?!?!?!?
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
WTF is up with this??? who is asleep at the controls in DLand?? correct me if i'm wrong....but bambi is an ADULT in the end of the original, right??
you can't just go off on a "side"-quel like this!!
i'll admit, it was funny in lion king 1.5....that was cute! seeing how timon & pumba came about & such.
but this shit has had me in a tizzy all day long!! so much that i played hooky & went to DLand to find out WHY.
we all know what happens at the end of cinderella, snow white & sleeping beauty. well.....we don't actually know, but its kinda implied by the:
.....And They Lived Happily Ever After...
do i really want to see cindy doing the dishes some more?? or snow having the dwarves over for tea one afternoon?? or how about aurora taking one last stab at that darn spinning wheel? NOPE. i want to imagine that they truly did live happily ever after.
but for real! what's this whole bambi 2 thing about, huh?? i mean, bambi's mom gets killed early on & then he's raised by his dad until he's a teen, gets all twitterpated & the forest is set ablaze!! bambi goes off with his little hottie (faline....i think....i'll have to watch the DVD later on...) and makes more little bambi's!
like there is something else i need to know?!?!?
i'm miffed. to say the least (really....you should of seen the scene i made at mimi's this afternoon at lunch....). it goes against everything good that i know about disney. i mean, hell, you've got pixar now.....COME UP WITH SOME NEW MATERIAL!!
and let us believe that "....happily ever after...." really does exist....and the story can end.....
its been almost a week & a half since anyone came down with anything remotely close to that of the dreaded stomach flu. and for the powers unbeknownst to me, last night i had that flu. and on a night when i actually decided to eat a real meal. oh the horror of it all.
have i mentioned how much i hate to throw up?
i know that pretty much everyone hates to yak. and if you like it, you're a sick bastard. but i absolutely loathe it. you see, when i was an infant & as a toddler, i had a weird stomach thing. i was a projectile vomiter. i had & still have a rather strong gag reflex. any small thing would set jennifer off. and then......WATCH OUT!! my parents tell the story of having my grandparents (nana, pop-pop, memaw, grandma & grandpa taylor) over for dinner all the time. and a lovely time by all would be had.
cute little jennifer, sitting high atop her princess highchair throne, would purse her adorable, pink lips together to form the most perfect little "O", and emit the tiniest of tiny burps. it was then that everyone would SHOVE back from the table & duck for cover like someone attending a Gallagher concert. it was bad.
i can remember as a child, dreading having to yak. i would prolong the enevitable for hours. my mother would beg me, "just let it out & get it over with already!". but i would hold on, holding it down, until i couldn't any longer. and then it was all over. and by that time, my mother had gotten sick & tired of sitting there, holding my hair. so, i learned how to do it pretty much on my own. (to this day, i never let anyone in my house, child or adult, go through that alone.)
then in junior high. i was a pudgy little thing. still cute as a button, but an oversized clown button. i was immense. or so i thought i was. and so.....a thought dawned on me. if i don't keep the food in me.....i can't get fat! that started me down an 8 month bulimia road. i lost a ton of weight. looked fabu. but man, was i miserable cause i had to yak all the time. so, with my disgust of having to yak & the fact that i kinda looked decent again....i stopped that.
fast forward about 10 years to 22. the very first time i got pregnant. it was horrible. i had morning sickness 24 hours a day. and although i eventually lost that baby, the doctors assured me that THAT was probably not going to happen again. something wrong in that pregnancy to make me more violently ill than anything i had ever seen. if i chose to get pregnant again, it would be a nice, calm one. maybe with a few days worth of MS and nothing more.
man were they wrong.
with each child (that's 4 more after my 1st) i was sick from day 1 to day 300. and not that "i feel a little queasy" MS either. full blown, yakking in the sick, carrying a bucket with you everywhere MS. yeah.....it was a riot!
so...you're saying to yourself.....you should be a pro at this whole yakking thing!
i hate it. nothing prepares me for it. and i still (as i did last night) try in vain to hold everything back as long as i can. i only prolong my agony....yes, i know. but what's a girl to do?
so.....that's what i did last night. what about you?
i got smacked earlier cause i said i've never experienced this before. apparently, if you're a "writer" you go through bouts of it. as the smack let me know, my DC has had his share of this turmoil.
so back to what i was saying.....what do you do?
i've never been a "writer". i just wrote. whatever, wherever. i never really thought about it. and now that i'm doing it much more (at the gentle noodge of my sweetie, who swears up & down that i am a better writer than he...) i am at a stand still.
first off, the kids aren't here this week, so there are no cute little lea-dotes to write about.
secondly, i've reached a plateau on my weightloss. and what's a girl to write about if not her shrinking thighs?
thirdly, its down right chilly here in so cal. what that has to do with writing, i have no clue.
and lastly, i could write about how a thread on my email loop with some of my dearest friends is a RE: baptism gifts....what to give? yet is now delving into the sordid life of SAHM's & the sexual favors they bestow upon their male companions.
yes, i knew that would get you attention. and i know i said i was southern. but i also grew up in miami. hence, sometimes the little slut in me comes out. and apparently in that of my SS girls! lol!!
and you thought boys were the grossest sex on the planet. HA! at my age i've come to the summation that:
any boy who brags about his sex life......has none.
the number of girls he's slept with........divide by 3.
he is not as endowed as he says he is.
his ex girlfriends will attest to this fact.
girls are more descriptive & nasty when discussing the opposite sex.
we never brag about our sex life.....and its way better than anything you could imagine.
the number of guys we've slept with.......multiply by 3.
i am that good....i choose to act demure.
all my ex's will attest to that fact.
hm.....well, i guess i did have something to write about after all!
i wonder what i'll write about when writer's block strikes me next?
1. i have been going back to the gym so far all this week. 2. because of this, my legs feel like jello. 3. i used to go to the gym 5 days a week for 3 hours a day. this was before i had children. 4. i have 5 kids. 4 are my own, 1 is my step, but i've had her since she was 5. 5. she is now 18 & has decided to move with me to NC this summer. 6. we're moving on july 17. i will miss my twin's birthday. :( 7. my twin is my twin in spirit. we're like 2 peas in a pod, me & chris. 8. i have a friend, beth, who detests peas. POP-SQUISH! 9. i've known her for 4 years now, we met on an AOL august moms 2 be board. there is a group of us who still talk on a daily basis. we are the SSG! 10. i was pregnant with jake the snake back then..... 11. jake's name came about because my mother detests is so. 12. i have said before, my mother is a freak of nature. 13. unfortunately, i have fallen into my mother's footsteps & am very much like her.
Links to other Thursday Thirteens! 1. (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
now most of you know....that we're moving this summer (july 17th to be exact) from los angeles (which really ain't no city of angels....lol!) to knightdale, nc (small town right outside raleigh). its going to be somewhat of a culture shock going from a population of over 100,000 (here in norwalk....an LA suburb) to just shy of 8,000.
i can't believe that. lol!! i've been reading all the info on this small town & realized (much to my chagrin & horror....) I AM NOT A REAL CITY GIRL!! I YEARN FOR THE SMALL TOWN LIFE!!!
anywho....i digress.
this is what we're planning. a road trip. a massive one. 2,557.94 miles of one. and we're going to hit it straight through the heart. california, arizona, new mexico, texas, oklahoma, arkansas, tennessee, north carolina. and we've decided to do it national lampoon style. that's our route....the purple line.......I LOVE BEING PURPLE!! (my small ode to patrick...)
there is this site: roadside america that spotlights obscure, weird, strange & truly american tourist traps.
so here is what i need from everyone.
what wacky places (like the house of mud that clark w. griswold wanted to visit) would you like to see a photo journal of???
and no....i will not visit the double decker outhouse in arkansas. gross.
it was a good workout. and i was looking forward to going tomorrow. but i think jake may have a touch of pneumonia. but on the great side….i’ve been watching those calories & haven’t had a day over 1500. which i am just in awe over since there is really so much you can eat without hitting the magic number.
so i stopped in to see just how everyone is doing! how are you all? how are you all feeling? and what’s your weather like? lol!! its cold here finally. which will change, no doubt, by tomorrow.
oh….and i vow not to cook a cassarole or turkey anytime soon. after spending approximately 6.5 minutes in the sauna….i feel bad for cooking anything in the oven. i swear, all i needed was some sage stuffing & you all could have come over for dinner. i forgot how miserably hot those GD things can get. i will never live in a desert.
gym time today: 2 hours. miles done: 2.5 laps in pool: 2 (i SO need to get in shape.....good lord.) weight now: 179 still to go: 49
if you know me....then you know that i am a gridiron girl. i love me some football. and i am always saddened at the end of the season, cause it will be a good 7 months before i see any.
i love the end of the season as well. i love the final mad dash to the finish line. the wild card playoffs. the NFC championships. the AFC championships. and of course, the mother of all games....the superbowl.
things that really cheese me......showboat players. TO. need i say more?? he needs to be sent back to kindergatrten to learn the meaning of sharing & fair play.
what really frosts my cookies? the shit that people talk after a game. people, not players.
i'm talking peyton manning here folks.
he played his ASS OFF. and still he gets no credit. hell, even if he won the whole GD thing they'd all say that it wasn't his performance that got them there, it was the defensive line, the offense, his runningback...whatever. a team needs a leader & he never gets his due.
and poor guy was getting the shit beat out of him with NO coverage for most of the game. and when he DOES get fired up, because he's sick of the way his "team" is handling things, what do they do? NOTHING. and then when its all said & done....who do they all blame? peyton manning. that's who. i don't blame him in the LEAST for putting his line up like he did. they SUCKED. plain & simple. they let him down. he tried but they failed. bravo peyton, for calling them to the carpet. they deserve it!
for one of the first times i can really remember.......i'm really not looking forward to the next 3 games. i really don't care. (even though i should, because my carolina panthers are in it...) there isn't any fire in me to watch. no one that i really want to root for. i could care less.
ever get the feeling that you're supposed to be someone else?? some days i feel like lady liberty.
"...give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses. yearning to be free"
well, i don't know all about the poor thing....but it should say the sick & infirmed.
i honestly don't know what goes on over at my ex-husbands house. i really don't. but every single time i get the kids back from there, someone is sick. and they flee to mom for comfort, solace, gatorade & tylenol.
this weekend alone, i've had: stomach flu (2 bouts), asthma attacks (2 bouts), fevers (2 bouts) and a migraine.
and a creepy sidenote about my eldest, claudia. who in the world can yak while they sleep & not wake up? i swear, she's from an alien planet. that child could sleep through a nuclear holocaust. you could have the NY philharmonic playing "Stars & Stripes Forever" next to her head & she wouldn't stir.
the friday four meme (but posted on saturday due to a rather intense & nasty migraine yesterday...) with pertinent information all about moi! :)
FOUR JOBS YOU HAVE HAD IN YOUR LIFE: 1. teacher's assistant 2. jr. dispatcher for the vg police department 3. administrative assistant for a ceo 4. jr. salesman for a metals firm
FOUR MOVIES YOU WOULD WATCH OVER AND OVER: 1. young frankenstein. - i love this movie. mel brooks was a directorial genius! :) and i love the pairing of teri garr & gene wilder. 2. the bishop's wife - with david niven, cary grant & loretta young. classic B&W holiday flick that i watch religiously (albeit secretly) year round. its my all time favorite movie. about an angel who comes to help a bishop but falls in love with his wife. its great. and besides....cary grant is like (well was...) the hottest man on the planet. (aside from dc) 3. airplane! - yes, i know its a stupid movie. but its hilarious. and i love puns (you should see me on the jungle cruise at d-land). and besides that, my brother & i know pretty much the whole movie by heart. we will call the other if its on (or we've got the DVD in...) and run lines with the other. yes, i am serious. and don't call me shirley. 4. indiana jones - any one of the installations. being an avid amateur archeologist (well....wanna be at least) i love watching these over & over. and again, hot leading man.
FOUR PLACES YOU HAVE LIVED: 1. hickory, north carolina 2. virginia gardens, florida 3. miami beach, florida 4. los angeles, california
FOUR TV SHOWS YOU LOVE TO WATCH: 1. mythbusters. - these guys are GREAT!! i swear, they've got the best job on the planet. breaking shit & blowing shit up. what's better than that?!?!?!? 2. house - i'm not one for medical shows (i was never an ER devotee) but i love hugh laurie & he's a riot 3. american chopper - mikey has my vote for president. and i just love senior & how he's always pissed off at everyone....especially paulie. and although i'm not a chopper fanatic, i appreciate the art that they are. 4. the news - anywhere. lol! i am an information junkie. i gotta know whats going on & where. i'm obsessed with it.
FOUR PLACES YOU HAVE BEEN ON VACATION: 1. sanibel island, florida 2. washington dc 3. san fransisco, california 4. key west, florida
FOUR OF YOUR FAVORITE FOODS: 1. italian - i LOVE me some pasta!! good lord, no wonder i'm the weight i am. 2. mexican - i can make killer fish tacos. and man am i going to miss casa gamino. 3. french - give me gooey, cheesy, oozing with creme sauce. i love it. how i miss Ste. Michele's in Coral Gables. 4. american - deep down in this cultured girl is one who loves a plain old, greasy, cheesy burger. and chili dogs!!
FOUR PLACES YOU WOULD RATHER BE RIGHT NOW: 1. my mom's house - no matter how much we argue or how much i say i can't stand her....her house is a comfort zone for me. and i miss it so much. nothing was ever all that bad once i was at home at mommy's house. 2. moon stone beach, california - its in cambria. and its TO DIE FOR. absolutely breathtaking. DC & i spent a weekend there last year. it was heavenly. great wine, great food, nicer than hell people, fantastic art. i loved it! 3. valley of the kings - being a avid egypt fanatic (and hopefully one day an egyptologist), this is my shangri-la. 4. the bahamas - man i miss those beaches! :)
FOUR BLOGGERS YOU ARE TAGGING: i'm not going to do that, since no one ever tags me. lol!! but i'd like to see some more 4's done!! :)
1. my youngest, jake the snake, is laying next to me. 2. he is as sick as a dog, burning with fever. vacations on the sun aren't this hot. 3. he has yakked up twice since his father brought him to my house. 4. he is still the most handsome kid on the planet. really, he is. 5. drives most people crazy, but i tend to let a fever run for a little bit. kills the germ better! :) 6. lea is pissed off that she's not sick more often. she wants my complete, undivided attention. she's weird. 7. i would like to give said attention to everyone, but with 5 kids, i cannot. they're lucky they get baths most days. 8. i hate most toddler programs. since steve left, there is no will to watch. none. don't argue with me. 9. i am addicted to spongebob, fairly odd parents & jimmy neutron. moreso than that of the children. if i had TIVO.....they'd be on it. 10. spongebob will be on soon. that's the only reason i am stomaching blue's clues with joe. and now the backyardigans. UGH! 11. jake is still the most considerate kid, even when on death's door. he's offering mommy his juice. 12. i wish it was time to start packing. i want to move already. 13. my back is hurting like mad this morning. i wonder what i did to piss it off.....again?
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
a little blatant, self-promotion....on how blessed i am with the awesome family i've got.
i miss my baby brother (who ain't so baby anymore & who stands a good 1'+ over my head...being the "official" shortest person in the taylor family has both its good & bad...) & i don't get to see him enough living out west. but that's going to change this summer as i trek east with my brood. what a dashing, handsome, debonair & mindful of his elders, young man. :)
ok...so, i've been on this diet since the 1st of the year. and i was at 190. no snickering in the peanut gallery....) and now i'm down to 180.
and i don't see a lick of difference. at all. nada, zip, zilch. all i know is that i am starving. well, not technically....but i'm flippin out.
i'm on one of those 1500 calorie diet thingy's. i'm only eating special k cereal in the morning & afternoon & then a sensible meal (no......mcd's chicken doesn't exactly constitute sensible....well.....). and i've bought those special k snack bars to go along with it all. and yes, i even stomached it & bought BOTH skim milk (BARF-O-RAMA) and coca cola zero (which ain't half bad! :grin: )
it wasn't doctor imposed, it was jennifer is sick & tired of being a beached whale imposed. i am tired of looking like my dead grandmother (no offense memaw....i love ya, but your ass was huge!) and pretty much tired of feeling like her too (the dead part...).
the back is just about on its last leg (well.....disk, so to speak) and it needs the excess weight to be gone & i would LOVE to be able to fit into a slinky black cocktail dress like i used to wear.
sorry for the rambling rant.....its been one of those days.
Did You Know That? Drinking two glasses of Gatorade can relieve headache pain almost immediately -- without the unpleasant side effects caused by traditional "pain relievers."
Did you know that Colgate toothpaste makes an excellent salve for burns.
Before you head to the drugstore for a high-priced inhaler filled with mysterious chemicals, try chewing on a couple of curiously strong Altoids peppermints. They'll clear up your stuffed nose.
Achy muscles from a bout of the flu? Mix 1 Tablespoon of horseradish in 1 cup of olive oil. Let the mixture sit for 30 minutes, then apply it as a massage oil, for instant relief for aching muscles.
Sore throat? Just mix 1/4 cup of vinegar with 1/4 cup of honey and take 1 tablespoon six times a day. The vinegar kills the bacteria.
Cure urinary tract infections with Alka-Seltzer. Just dissolve two tablets in a glass of water and drink it at the onset of the symptoms. Alka-Seltzer begins eliminating urinary tract infections almost instantly -- even though the product was never been advertised for this use.
Honey remedy for skin blemishes... Cover the blemish with a dab of honey and place a Band-Aid over it. Honey kills the bacteria, keeps the skin sterile, and speeds healing. Works overnight.
Listerine therapy for toenail fungus... Get rid of unsightly toenail fungus by soaking your toes in Listerine mouthwash. The powerful antiseptic leaves your toenails looking healthy again. It is also good for dandruff!!!
Easy eyeglass protection... To prevent the screws in eyeglasses from loosening, apply a small drop of Maybelline Crystal Clear nail polish to the threads of the screws before tightening them.
Coca-Cola cure for rust... Forget those expensive rust removers. Just saturate an abrasive sponge with Coca Cola and scrub the rust stain. The phosphoric acid in the coke is what gets the job done.
Cleaning liquid that doubles as bug killer... If menacing bees, wasps, hornets, or yellow jackets get in your home and you can't find the insecticide, try a spray of Formula 409. Insects drop to the ground instantly.
Smart splinter remover...just pour a drop of Elmer'sGlue-All over the splinter, let dry, and peel the dried glue off the skin. The splinter sticks to the dried glue.
Hunt's tomato paste boil cure...cover the boil with Hunt's tomato paste as a compress. The acids from the tomatoes soothe the pain and bring the boil to a head. Balm for broken blisters...To disinfect a broken blister, dab on a few drops of Listerine... a powerful antiseptic. Heinz vinegar to heal bruises .. Soak a cotton ball in white vinegar and apply it to the bruise for 1 hour. The vinegar reduces the blueness and speeds up the healing process.
Kills fleas instantly. Dawn dish washing liquid does the trick. Add a few drops to your dog's bath and shampoo the animal thoroughly. Rinse well to avoid skin irritations. Goodbye fleas.
Rainy day cure for dog odor... Next time your dog comes in from the rain, simply wipe down the animal with Bounce or any dryer sheet, instantly making your dog smell springtime fresh.
Eliminate ear mites... All it takes is a few drops of Wesson corn oil in your cat's ear. Massage it in, then clean with a cotton ball. Repeat daily for 3 days. The oil soothes the cat's skin, smothers the mites, and accelerates healing.
Quaker Oats for fast pain relief.... It's not for breakfast anymore! Mix 2 cups of Quaker Oats and 1 cup of water in a bowl and warm in the microwave for 1 minute, cool slightly, and apply the mixture to your hands for soothing relief from arthritis pain.
so, you read that yesterday i did nothing, nada, zip, zilch....for the heathens that be......my children. ::SIGH::
and what happened as a direct result of this??
nothing, nada, zip, zilch.
gabe gets up this morning & heads directly for the GC (one day he's going to have to mainline that junk).
jake has monopolized their TV with the vsmile (he's becoming his brother faster & faster each minute).
psycho (lea) is wandering the house aimlessly, dramatically complaining about some phantom ailment & panting(?) ....(i know that there is an academy award waiting somewhere in the future for this gem).
liz is still sleeping....i am so NOT ready for her teen years.
i swear. i love them all. alot. too much, i think at times. but they're going to be the death of me.
yesterday, they had complete & free reign of the whole house. i didn't lift a finger to assist, help, clean, nuture, mommy or triage. and at 11PM they were all still awake, running through the whole house like a bunch of savages (did you all know that if a domesticated pig gets into the wild, it will revert back to being feral in something like 6 weeks?!?!?!? use this new information i have given you to imagine these children...) and creating havoc in their wake.
the house was a disaster area. and it didn't help that while they were running like mad, they got lula all excited. (lula is a basset.....with bad arthritis.....who thinks she is a greyhound.....need i say more?) and there goes my fat, dense (as in mass not intellegence) & now very hyper basset......running the basset 500 right alongside the monsters.
there was ground up lay's chips in the carpet, pizza crusts all over the house, literally a hundred cups strewn at least 1/2 empty throughout the whole house (about 45 in their room.....how many kids do i have?!?!?!?)
finally i had ENOUGH! and they were SHOCKED that mom was mad?!?!?!? wow.....they are dense (as in intellegence this time....) i swear, if i wasn't so tired by then....i would have killed them all. even the cute 3 year old....who by this time has gone coma. smart kid....knows when to lay low.
and yet, after another of my daily rants to my angelic children (NOT!)......they swore, this time i think there was mention of slavery or game system sacrifice if they reneged, that they were going to behave, follow directions & generally act normal.....i know, its a stretch.
oh joy......i hear a fight in the livingroom....and the wails of wanton toddler.
i wonder how much i can get for jake on the black market?
1. my kids really suck. no one is listening. i wish i had taken birth control. :P 2. all of dc's shirts are still out on the bed. i was gonna hang them this morning. 3. reason i haven't hung #2 is that i've been SIM-ing all day long. 4. i am a SIMS2 addict. i need help. 5. i have terrible heartburn. from drinking iced tea? who else thinks i'm weird? 6. because they are monsters, i am on strike. (this is why i've been doing #3) 7. refusing to cook dinner this evening is part of my strike. 8. i really need to re-dye my hair. 9. i am in bad need of a pedicure & manicure 10. i need to take lula to the groomers...her nails are too long. 11. i have an AKC basset...her name is lula-belle daisy-mae. she is my babe. 12. fred hates lula. then again, fred hates everyone...but me! :) 13. i need to feed my animals. they have been good.
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
to return my house to the post-holiday blah. and i'm not happy in the least. i'm going to let you in on my newest mantra:
i tell this to dc about.....oh....say.....5 times a day. right, sweetie??
i need one. i need to be able to creatively express myself through my interior decorating. at my old house (i am still so bitchin pissed i let him keep....grrrrrrrrr...but in order to preserve ones sanity....) i had complete free reign.
every color that is on the wall is there by my choosing. every curtain, all the wallpaper, the W2W carpeting, the tile work, the wood work, every tree, shrub, flower & paver. and most of it was done by my own hand (you now know precisely WHY i have such a rotten back.....::SIGH::)
i miss my house. well, i miss my old house. henry has not been kind or attentive to all the hard 6+ years of work i put into it. the place now looks like a tornado ripped through it. nothing is clean like i had it, it all needs to be repainted, the paper is peeling, the grout is dirty, the carpet needs cleaning & THE LINEN CLOSET IS A DISASTER AREA!!! sorry.....i digress....back to topic.
i have done some decorating here (notice the italicized "some"....which roughly translates into not NEAR the amount that i really want.....):
my bedroom got a fresh coat of flat latex (if you paint your walls with semi-gloss in other than the bath, kitchen, floorboards, doorframes & entry doors, you are EVIL!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrr) over the much used semi-gloss, plain-ass white they use in every single apartment complex known to man. its a lovely shade of taupey-kind-of-lavenderish, with a cute little hand stenciled ivy border winding throughout the middle of the wall throughout the whole room.
my bathroom is done in americana w/ a festive RW&B wallpapered border & several cute americana accents all over the walls.
the kids room is a flat latex cote d'azure blue with hand painted underwater flora & fauna....some from our own creation....some we "borrowed" from nickelodeon.
the kids bath is a cute blue/white/yellow combo for their ducky's taking a bath bathroom theme. (which of course, if you visited me during the holiday season, this whole theme was removed only to be replaced by red/green/white holiday decor with holly sprigs & festive woodland creatures.......YES I DECORATE THEMED FOR THE HOLIDAYS IN THE MAIN BATH....which happens to be the kids bath.....lol!)
other than that, nothing. nada. i had fixed up the backyard. put in grass, painted the wooden fences to make them look like redwood. added woodchips to the area by cinnamon's cage. placed lovely potted flowers & such all over the place. but now it looks like a disaster area back there (its currently being used as our storage depot ....::SIGH::) i didn't do any kind of window treatments, nothing special in the kitchen, nothing extraordinary in the livingroom or dining room. nothing. its all just there. and now my holiday decorations (that had given life to things that were once lifeless...) have to come down. well, i could keep them up year-round....but people will talk....more than they already do.
i'm sad here people. i know that i get to do something WAY fun in the near future....house-hunt! but in the mean time, i'm miserable in my little cramped existence. i know that in a few short months, i get to choose what & how many rooms, bathrooms, basement (yes or no), backyard, kitchen, diningroom, bonus rooms, car garages, deck, porches, etc.... and then it will be my blank canvas to use at my disposal. i can burst with creative juices & let my explosion create a cavalcade of color throughout my house.
but i hate waiting. and this weekend, my only source of decorative expressiveness.....is coming down.
so, i was over at shan's and she had this cute list so i figured, hell....i'll borrow it (i borrow lots from shan....good thing for her, we don't live next door ;) .)
its the 2005 rundown......
january- went to er via ambulance on NYD. what a way to kick off the year, huh? i wind up layed up for about a week with a non-responsive back. kid are monsters, house goes uncleaned. oh joy. oh yeah, daddy henry has a birthday, so does aunt kat & grandma maria.
february - its the big v-day. nothing special. we're broke & getting ready to move. packing starts. house looks like a tornado. kids are monsters, house goes uncleaned. i'm in convulsions because of this. back seems to be improving.
march - its the luck'o'the irish month. so that means i've got to make corned beef & green beer. we're still packing. have i mentioned i hate moving? and this isn't the last time. gabe & claudia celebrate their first holy communion. oh yeah, the back goes out again. so i spend yet another week in traction. oh joy.
april - its easter. time to make baskets. my lea has her 5th birthday. MOVING DAY! oh joy...the back is acting up. we have visitors -- dona & horace, dale's parents. 1st visit in eons.... we head off to the mouse house! :) disneyland is so much easier when you're in a scooter! :) now starts unpacking. oh joy
may - mother's day month. dale changes jobs. happy birthdays this month to aunt kristin & nana! :) house is very tornado like. have i mentioned i hate moving? most of the boxes are gone. i'm off to the ortho for a consult. keeping fingers (and spine) crossed.
june - papa turns 33! its hotter than hades here in los angeles. the house is coming around. we paint the kids room in an undersea theme. school ends for claudia & gabe. ortho sends me to pain management for injections. hope they work! :)
july - we celebrate america's birthday at auntie dawn's house. pool, food, fireworks. we go to the beach. ALOT. its hotter now than last month. the house looks like a disaster area again. i'm redecorating. the back is twiching.
august - jake is 3 on the 4!! gabe hits 8 on the 22!! we head to universal studios for their collective birthdays....turns out to be one of the hottest days on record. oh joy. we're all dying. where is the nick portion with the water?? BTS shopping! :) dale starts a new career in the mortgage industry as data manager! :)
september - school starts! :) lea is now officially in school as a kinder! claudia is in 4th & gabe in 3rd. jake gets moved to a new teacher. let's see what happens. its cooling off some! :) let's hope fall starts early! :)
october - its hot again. bummer. its also halloween & both grandpa ken's & pop's birthdays! :) we garner tons of the sweet stuff on our romp. the kids have parties all over. jake is a hit with his pillsbury costume. shots have done nothing but make back worse. oh joy.
november - mom hits 33....oh crap. jenette is now legal....18. oh crap. jenny gets a job! :) she's a target girl! turkey day goes off without a hitch. am referred to a neuro. he says there is nothing he can do. its not severe enough (@@!!) yet. well, THATS A RELIEF!! not. its still hot as hell. where is my fall?!?!?!?!?
december - almost the end of the line. thank the maker. claudia is now a double digit kid.....10! we get ready for christmas. there isn't enough time. the house is finally all clean & looks FABU....even though i really need a house. i'll make do for now..... NYE is here! :) chris, gordon & the boys come over. its a fun night. they leave at 11. the kids bathe & we all wait for midnight. i can't believe they're all awake! i can't believe the year is over!! its now 2006. its raining. oh joy.....nice way to start off the year.....well, at least i'm not in the ER......i feel the back start to twich.......
happy 2006 everyone! :) make it a great year!
look for new adventures in the YIR '06 as the graciano-roe zoo head east! :) we're off to NC - this july!!